Insurance Uncovered Podcast

Insurance Uncovered Podcast

Gesellschaftliche Transformation – Was leistet Versicherung?

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Eine Transformation, die durch Klimawandel und Digitalisierung alle Gesellschaftsbereiche betrifft.

Kann es diese gesellschaftliche Transformation ohne Versicherungsschutz geben? Dr. York von Falkenhayn und Rea Schmidt-Lamonain sprechen über die Vision der HDI Global „Partner in Transformation“. Was bedeutet diese Vision für den Industrieversicherer und wie wird sie praktisch mit Leben gefüllt? Wir erfahren, welche Bereiche involviert sind, und lernen anhand praktischer Beispiele, was HDI Global für die Transformation tut.

"We don't do culture on a whim”

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Anja and Rea shed light on the importance of cultural transformation at Talanx. Can you imagine where and how culture has an impact? Don’t worry. You'll find out in this podcast episode.
Other topics are the Culture Summit and Culture Days at Talanx. What are they and what do they achieve? They also talk about cultural effects that we sometimes take for granted. Is culture really an issue that also affects me?

Results Uncovered – Talanx 9M Figures

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On 13 November 2023 Talanx reported its 9M/Q3 results. Talanx Group achieved a very pleasing group net income of EUR 1,279 million after nine months and raised its profit forecast for 2023 to "significantly more than EUR 1,5 million" due to the strong operating performance. In this episode Bernd and Bas take the opportunity once again to talk you through the highlights of the results and provide further insights into the Talanx numbers.

HDI Job Survey 2023

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The transformation of the world of work is in full swing and it impacts on every company and every sector. Robust data on “work in the future” are a rare commodity. Since 2019, the HDI Group has been annually presenting its findings on work trends and career aspirations in their comprehensive, nationwide HDI Job Survey, which is unique in Germany. This survey was conducted by market-research institute YouGov on behalf of HDI for the fifth year in a row. Around 4,000 employees aged 15 and above were surveyed in May and June 2023.

Threat from cyberspace - small businesses targeted

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The threat from cyberspace concerns all of us - directly or indirectly. HDI Versicherung has conducted studies on this topic in 2022 and 2023, for which more than 1200 small and medium-sized enterprises and self-employed persons were surveyed. The results sketch an unvarnished picture of the state of awareness and prevention in the target group and thus provide a valuable basis for the design of cyber insurance cover.

Results Uncovered - Talanx 6M 2023 Figures

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In this episode of the Talanx Podcast Insurance Uncovered Talanx Head of Group Controlling Bas de Vries and Head of Investor Relations + M&A Bernd Sablowsky are taking you into the world of the group’s numbers. They give further colour on the FY23 6M/Q2 results, which have been published on 14 August 2023 and wrap them up in an entertaining 15-min podcast. Find out what the highlights of the first six months have been and learn more about the ongoing implementation of IFRS 17. In a nutshell all you need to know to understand what stands behind Talanx key figures.

About IFRS

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With the new international #accounting standard applying from January 2023, the world of #insurance reporting is changing. IFRS represents a fundamental change in accounting not only for the Group but for the entire insurance industry. Why we nevertheless have a thoroughly positive view of IFRS, but what is necessary for a successful transition – this and more are the topics of this episode.

About Ratings

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In this episode of the Talanx Investor Relations Podcast, Shirley Inafa speaks with Hannes Meyburg, Senior Manager Rating Agency Relations about the meaning and value of ratings. Listen to this episode to find out how the annual rating process works and how Hannes Meyburg sees the Talanx Rating in the future.

Über diesen Podcast

Insurance Uncovered. Ein Talanx Podcast. Wir zeigen euch Hintergründe der Versicherungsindustrie im übergeordneten Sinne und im speziellen aus einer der großen börsennotierten Versicherungsgesellschaft Europas.

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